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Say goodbye to custom business software

"Just say what you want and we'll build it." For years, that was the credo in the world of enterprise software. And while it sounds like you're developing a dream system this way, you're much more likely to create a nightmare. That's why it's time to say goodbye to custom business software.

The many disadvantages of custom business software

You have custom business software developed because your organization's standard software is not enough. Because of your unique processes, requirements or goals, you need functionality that must be developed specifically for you. And in some cases this is quite justifiable; the piece of custom functionality can actually give you a cost savings or profit increase that outweighs the cost of the customization. But in many cases, there is another way to solve it, and companies don't give enough thought to the many disadvantages of custom business software:

  • It is expensive to develop: research, design, development, testing, implementation, consultation, re-work, training. Even a small piece of customization contains hours of work.
  • It makes implementation more complicated and longer: when implementing standard software, you know what needs to be done, but with custom software, it's new and you run into unexpected issues.
  • Support can become a problem: Support for custom software can be tricky. Does the support consultant know the piece of custom software? Are the employees who were involved in developing the custom piece still working in the company?
  • Upgrading becomes expensive and complicated: When you want to upgrade to a new version of your business software, custom functionality may require partial or even complete redevelopment and implementation.
  • You get what you ask for, not what you need: Perhaps the biggest drawback. Although you think customization will solve your problems, it doesn't have to. Customization for an inefficient process won't get you anywhere. And with complex customization, it becomes extra difficult to meet expectations and develop the perfect solution.

"More users, new modules, external applications, new releases, interfaces and integrations; can the solution grow with you without customization?"

Stick to the standard

Work with standard software as much as possible. Easier said than done, because what do you do with those parts of your business that the standard does not provide? By choosing the right software partner and the right software package, you avoid customization:

  • Choose a flexible solution that you can expand and customize: When selecting enterprise software, make sure you choose a system that can be easily expanded, customized and upgraded. More users, new modules, external applications, new releases, interfaces and integrations; can the solution grow with you without customization?
  • Choose a proven successful, industry-specific solution: An industry-specific system implemented at companies similar to your business most likely contains the functionality you need. With a generic software package or a system that is being deployed in your industry for the first time, chances are that you are missing functionality and customization is necessary.
  • Choose a software partner with industry knowledge and experience: Not only the software, but also your software partner plays a crucial role in limiting customization. A specialist in your industry helps you optimize processes and supports these processes with a standard application. Also towards the future, an industry specialist ensures that new requirements and wishes are met in the standard.

At Dysel, we help equipment management organizations. Want to know more about how we help you with an industry-specific standard software package? Get in touch with us!