When starting the implementation of new ERP software, as a project team you think carefully about the schedule, milestones, resources and everything needed to go well prepared towards the live-go. Now, however, circumstances may force a company to significantly shorten the implementation time, forcing you as a company to go live much sooner than you would ideally like. I have experienced this a number of times so I speak from experience. These are interesting projects where you need to pay particular attention to the following things.
Start data conversion on day one. A system is only as good as the data it contains. Without this data, you can't do anything.
Set priorities even tighter
In a regular implementation, certain topics (e.g., optimizations and new functionalities) are often pushed to the next phase for reasons of time and priority. In a short implementation, it is even more important to set these priorities properly. The new software always offers new features that will be of great value in the future. But remember; time is limited. So focus only on the things with the very highest priority.
Reports in order
As soon as possible in the already short process, start preparing the most important reports. These need to be in order, and for that the data in your ERP package needs to be in order. From day one! The working method and work instructions must help the end users with this. After all, they are important sources for entering the data.
Daily processes must run
Focus on normal, day-to-day processes. Quotations must be able to be made. Sales orders must be able to be entered and delivered. Inventories must be able to be updated. Invoices must be sent as quickly as possible. Hours must be entered. Service orders must be able to be executed.
If these things are not running smoothly you have a big problem. So focus your attention here!
Support after going live
Before going live you will need sufficient support to complete the entire process, after going live support is just as important. Make sure you can count on support from your implementation partner immediately after going live with questions and problems.
Rely on the implementation partner
Time to test everything thoroughly is unfortunately not available. Because of the limited time you have, you will have to rely completely on the advice of your implementation partner when you have questions. They know the software and have experience with your industry. Rely on this experience.
Accept the change
Especially with an industry-specific standard software solution, processes will run differently than you are used to. This requires change, and change takes time. Accept the change immediately and implement it. There is no time to dwell on it for long.
Make sure that all stakeholders stress the importance of the above issues. The project will be a success only when all noses are in the same direction.
Peter Gerhardt is Senior Lead Consultant Logistics at Dysel and helps customers achieve maximum results with its business software.