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Satisfied employees; the shortest route to success

In many organizations, the customer is the focus. Everything is done to serve the customer as well as possible. And that, of course, is essentially what it is all about; as an organization, you owe your right to exist to offering added value to your customers. But does the customer actually benefit the most from a customer-centric approach? After all, it is the employees who help your customers. Take good care of your employees and they will take good care of the customer!

Employee engagement

Who the film Office Space (1999) knows what can be the disastrous consequences of employee frustration and dissatisfaction with their work. At the same time it makes it clear how important it is to treat staff well, appreciate them, motivate them and be involved with them. When your employees are fully absorbed in their work and enthusiastic about what they do, they have a positive impact on the organization's reputation and goals. Engaged employees are more loyal, productive and deliver better work.

"Clients do not come first. Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients."

Richard Branson - businessman and founder Virgin Group

A few guidelines

But how do you ensure satisfied, motivated and engaged employees? There are many theories about that. These principles will help you:

- Your employees are important: Every person wants to be considered important, both privately and in work. Make your people important. Show them that you need them, tell them that they are doing good and important work and that they have a contribution to the successes you achieve.
- Communication is crucial: Make sure you have good internal communication. That means being open about your people's expectations, giving regular feedback on their performance, listening to what they're up against and coaching them so they can develop. But also be honest about what is going on in the company and why certain choices are made.
- Shared goals together: Make clear what your organization stands for, what mission and vision you have, what core values are important and what contribution you have for society. Your employees should be able to identify with this and have a clear vision of what they are working for every day.
- Employees are unique: Don't treat employees like a number and don't just look at numbers and targets. Attention to the individual is important. Encourage personal development, attention to the personal situation. Understand that every employee deals with events differently and is unique in his/her approach. 

The shortest path to success

When you put the customer first you go for the best products/services, great service and optimal customer experience. That is very ambitious in a competitive market. A much faster, more fun and successful path to success is making sure your employees are happy. Then they will do the rest. This takes time and attention, but it will pay off handsomely in the end. Moreover, it will make a lot of people happy and you get to work every day in an enjoyable, positive, successful organization!

Philip van Kemenade is marketing manager at Dysel and has daily contact with end users of software.