Why you make money with CRM software

An investment in quality CRM software can generate much profit for your company. By writing a thorough business case in which the costs and expected benefits are put together, most organizations will see that the investment is quickly earned back in many cases. That is because there are several benefits arising from the use of a CRM solution.

A better understanding of your customers and prospects

With CRM software, you get a better understanding of who your target audience is. You know the industries in which your customers operate, what products or services they purchase from you, who your best customers are or which customers might bring you a potential loss, etc. You will also learn why you lose deals with customers or prospects and obtain an insight into the complete contact history with customers and prospects. All of this allows you to approach the market more successfully.

More successful sales cycles

By managing your sales processes using a CRM system, you increase the chances of success. You have all of the customer information available to you at any time, you can create tasks for timely follow-up in the sales process and you can quickly act and re-act which will the customer will appreciate.

Higher productivity

Automation of CRM processes increases the productivity of your employees. No need to search through piles of paper work, but immediately have the correct documentation in your hands. No more gathering reports on paper, in your mailbox or from colleagues, but immediately see how things are going and what actions are required. You save time and you will be more effective.

Provide better service

Providing great customer service is something we all want to do. This involves many facets of your organization. With quality CRM software it all becomes much easier. You can resolve complaints or questions quickly and efficiently, you can proactively approach customers with new products or services, you can create tailor-made offers for your target group and offer a personal approach.

Want to be truly successful?

You will become really successful with CRM if you integrate it with your ERP system and if you use a mobile CRM application. You will then have access to your CRM system always and everywhere and  be able to maximize the advantages mentioned here.

Philip van Kemenade is marketer at Dysel and is in contact with software end users every day.