One of the biggest nightmares of company executives: an ERP project that completely fails. Yet you have much more control and influence over the success of ERP implementation than you think. Here's what to look out for to make your ERP project a success.
1. Know exactly what your goals are
Where it all starts is the goals you want to achieve with the ERP project. Work more efficiently, help customers more successfully, improve performance and security? The better you can define WHY you are embarking on the ERP implementation, the better your chances of success. After all, having clear goals brings focus. And as a result, you all work toward the same goal.
2. Ensure adequate support in the organization
You cannot push an ERP implementation through the organization. If there is resistance to the project, for whatever reason, the implementation is doomed to failure. So make sure that all employees in all departments understand as much as possible why the ERP implementation is going to help them personally. Because it saves them time, simplifies processes, makes their work more enjoyable or reduces frustrations. Motivated employees are hugely important to the success of the project.
"If you do all this well then the last important lesson is to celebrate successes."
3. Define scope, schedule and budget as accurately as possible
Put very clearly on paper what you will do, when, who will do it and what it will cost. And regularly evaluate whether you are sticking to that scope, schedule and budget. A clear plan is easy to test during the project. You can intervene immediately where things go wrong or threaten to go wrong. And you know exactly what you get for the investments you make, which prevents a lot of discussion.
4. Communicate openly and honestly, continuously
Communication is really a key word in ERP implementations. Communication with the ERP partner, with your own team and with the rest of the organization. A close relationship with your ERP partner in which transparency is paramount is crucial. For your key user, the ERP project is a special experience, something they often do for the first time and in addition to their daily work. Have an understanding for that. And towards the rest of the organization it is important to inform them well and continuously about the progress during the project.
5. Don't sit still after the go-live
When the port is in sight, the ship can still sink. The go-live should not be the moment when you sit back and consider the project finished. It is important to move forward immediately with evaluations, optimizations and follow-up projects. Many ideas and wishes will not yet have been included in the first phase of the project and can be initiated in subsequent phases.
If you do all this well, then the final important lesson is to celebrate successes. Reflect on the milestones achieved during the project and be proud when you go live with the new system!