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Why you need to integrate ERP and CRM

Companies' requirements for an ERP system can be very different from the requirements for a CRM application. The systems are used for completely different purposes and often by different users within the organization. This leads to the ERP package and CRM package being two separate systems, each with its own vision, functionality, setup, technology, etc. And that is not wise! My advice is to house ERP and CRM in the same application or, if really not feasible, to realize a solid link between the two.

The benefits of ERP and CRM in one

One system means one implementation, one maintenance, and support for only one system. And that means lower costs and more agility. Faster and cheaper live and upgrades, lower costs for maintenance and support, and very important: one system makes it much easier to use your software to achieve your business goals. One system also means that ERP and CRM users access the same data. This avoids confusion, double input and the need to consult two systems each time. Because there is often no strict separation within the company of who works with ERP software and who works with the CRM application, many users will (want to) use both systems. Having both in one package assures you of a shorter learning curve and increases the chances that your employees will quickly master the system and enjoy working with it.

The benefits of interfacing between ERP and CRM

If you really cannot meet the ERP and CRM requirements within one system, it is wise to at least establish a good link between the two. After all, for ERP users it is desirable to also see CRM data and vice versa CRM users will want to regularly consult ERP information. Linking the systems provides all users with complete information that helps them make the right decisions. It also ensures that the data in both packages is always up-to-date. A good link makes switching between two systems and double data entry unnecessary, saving you a lot of time, errors and frustrations.

Keep in mind that integrating ERP and CRM should not mean that either becomes subordinate to the other. The requirements of both should be adequately met. Therefore, choose a vendor and package with specialization in both ERP and CRM.

Daan Schuitmaker is Application Developer at Dysel and turns customer requirements into practical software solutions.