5 common mistakes in organizational change management

At Dysel we help organizations by optimizing business processes, supported by innovative software solutions. We confront organizations, but especially people, with change. Many organizations underestimate and/or incorrectly execute managing organizational changes. These are 5 of the most common mistakes:

1. Starting too late

When you implement major changes in business processes, working methods, regulations and/or automation, you must guide your people in this from the start. Many organizations only start with change management once employees must be trained. But then it's already too late! Share your ideas from the beginning and give people a role in improving processes and in the selection of software. This way people get time to prepare for the changes and you create support for the change project.

2. No or poor communication

It is important for your employees to know what is going to happen and what they can expect. You should communicate the planning of the change process, indicate what you expect from your people and provide interim updates. Too often, internal communication is neglected. The protagonists do communicate with each other, but do not share their ideas and plans enough with the other employees. This can cause resistance and poor motivation.

3. Do not involve employees

Organizational changes are often implemented for strategic reasons. For example, to work more efficiently as a company, to become more competitive or to provide better customer service. Decisions and choices taken by management. But in the end, you need the help of ALL employees to make the project a success. Simply imposing changes does not work. Involve executive employees and end users in every phase of the process.

4. No attention to the corporate culture

Realizing changes in organizations is a challenge. This is largely because it requires a change in the culture of the company. It is important for people to realize that a change in the current corporate culture is needed to support the success and progress of the organization. By paying attention to the mentality, the mindset and the behavior of people, the company culture can be transformed, so that the change process is more likely to succeed.

5. Lack of empathy

It is certain that the changes will be implemented. But that doesn't mean that you don't have to understand people who resist to change, have trouble adjusting, or have trouble with how the change affects their daily work. Show understanding and give people the time to get used to a change and give them the right guidance to accept the change. Or better yet: show them that the change is an improvement.

Philip van Kemenade is marketing manager at Dysel and is in contact with software end users every day.